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The initial order can be made only per email. Please include all necessary data. To facilitate a smooth and efficient processing of your order, please provide the following information:
Every perspective buyer, who has ordered a Banshee, will receive an email from us detailing the next steps of purchase and further information for making the payment. There is a certain, limited time period of 6 weeks, in which you must complete the payment. In the case where the 6 week time limit has been exceeded, your order will be cancelled and the next costumer in line shall receive his kit.
We will deliver the fully assembled kits, starting in August 2012.
We currently recommend the following components:
Only motors with 30 mm bolt circle possible!
6S: Kontronik Pyro 650-65, Kontronik Pyro 700-52
10S: Kontronik Pyro 650-62, Kontronik Pyro 700-52
12S: Kontronik Pyro 700-52, Kontronik Pyro 800-48, Scorpion 4525-4540
14S: Kontronik Pyro 800-48
Rotortech 95 -120 mm (light-weight)
1000-1900 RPM (3D): 105-120 mm
1900-2100 RPM (extrem 3D): 105 mm
2100-2300 RPM (high-speed): 95 mm
Note/Disclaimer: As a consequence of our uncompromising design and use of materials resulting in the extreme stiffness and agility of our helicopter there is a main rotor speed range which should be avoided. Between 1300-1400 RPM (this is partially depended upon the rotor blades being used) there occurs a slightly rotor oscillation, resulting in an unsmooth flight. It is our recommendation that you choose rotor speeds above or below this range.
The kit contains: Pre-Banshee 700 Limited mechanics, pre-decaled, carbon fiber canopy including Tenax mounts and magnetic closure, a special blade holder (bladecaddy), a LiPo Velcro traps and swashplate-servo horns.